Uddiyan (Sanskrit :उड्डीयन; Uddiyan-Flying up) means flying up as in this exercise Prana (life force) flies up through the Sushumna (A channel in the vertebral column). According to yoga, the entire body is composed of millions and millions of channels called Nadis through which the consciousness flows (they are analogous to nerves but cannot be seen; Like blood passing through arteries and veins, our consciousness pass through these nadis)Of these millions of Nadis, 72,000 nadis are very important. Of these 72,000 nadis, 3 are the most important. They are Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.
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This nadi is associated with solar energy and runs from left testicle to right nostril. Flow of prana (life force) through Pingala, generates heat in the body.
This nadi is associated with lunar energy and runs from right testicle to left nostril. Flow of prana (life force) through Ida, generates cooling effect on the body. Our body responds to change in environment by alternating the flow of prana through Ida and Pingala. It can be realized that for most of us, the breathing goes through only one nostril at one time, the other being blocked and it keeps alternating time to time (it can be days or hours depending on our body condition relative to the environment).
This nadi is the central nadi that runs between Pingala and Ida. It connects base chakra (Mooladhara) and the crown chakra (Sahasrara). For most of us, the prana runs throught the Sushumna only for a moment (mostly early in the morning before sun rise). Continuous flow of prana through Sushumna is essential for awakening of Kundalini (the coiled energy or "serpent power"). Uddiyan is a breathing technique in Hatha yoga that helps in the rising of prana through sushumna which in turn helps in awakening of Kundalini.
When to practice Uddiyan :
After Kapalbhati, Ujjai , Omkar, Vayusar and Agnisar.
2) Relieves one from constipation and also incontinence
3) Helps in digestion
4) Improves capacity of the lungs
5) Strengthens the diaphragm
After Kapalbhati, Ujjai , Omkar, Vayusar and Agnisar.
1) Cleanses digestive system,organs in the abdominal region ,intestines and liver2) Relieves one from constipation and also incontinence
3) Helps in digestion
4) Improves capacity of the lungs
5) Strengthens the diaphragm
6) Helps to channel Prana through Sushumna
1) Sit in Padmasana and apply Mula-bandha ("Anus lock" - "Lock #1" - This lock cannot be taught as it depends on one's innate ability)
2) Lean forward a bit and place your palms on your knees.
3) Exhale fully and empty the lungs
4) Apply Jalandhar Bandha ("Chin Lock" - Lock #2). Chin Lock : Contract the throat and press the chin firmly against the chest.
5) Apply Uddiyan Bandha ("Pulling of stomach inwards" - Lock #3). Uddiyan bandha - Pull the stomach inwards towards the spin and pull it upwards.
6) This is called Uddiyan or Trio locks or three locks
7) Do not inhale.Remain in this position for as long as you can..
8) If you feel, you want to inhale, you must release the locks before inhalation.
9) Releasing locks : Slowly release the stomach and then slowly lift the chin. After releasing these locks, inhale deeply and slowly and then exhale in a relaxed manner
One can hold the uddiyan as long as he/she can. One must release the locks before performing an inhalation.
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