Friday, November 19, 2010

Omkar - chanting for inner peace

Omkar or simply Om (Sanskrit :ओंकार or ॐ ; Pronounced as 'Aum' - more details at this wiki entry ) is the sacred of all mantras and sounds. The syllable 'OM' is considered the manifestation of entire universe/the cosmic entity as a whole. It also encompasses both the inner (the world that exist within ourself) and outer world (the tangible world). 

Chanting of OM creates reverberation in our body that resonates with the frequency of cosmic consciousness. As we know it well from the Laws of Physics,that resonance occurs when two interconnected objects share the same vibrational frequency. When one of the objects is vibrating, it forces the second object into vibrational motion. When we chant Omkar or Om, it reverberates our entire body,mind and soul in resonance with the cosmic consciousness. As a corollary to the above mentioned physical law : since the body,mind and soul resonates with cosmic consciousness they are connected with each other. This means that one can unite with Cosmic consciousness/the cosmic universe by simply chanting OM (deep concentration is required to get to this state and this is called meditation). This capability of human mind to connect with the cosmic universe enables it acquire all data from the entire universe. It also enables one to know the past,future and present and also see the distant objects without opening the eyes. This is how the yogis and saints achieved omniscience and even omnipresence and omnipotence. The syllable 'OM' is not linked to Hinduism or any other religion. It is available to/in every living being to experience the oneness with the cosmic consciousness.

Regular Chanting of Omkar pacifies a wandering mind which is often pestered by unwanted/trivial thoughts. It is the cynosure to meditation.There are several techniques to achieve a meditative mind (like concentrating on breathing, on a picture,on objects/forms that we like etc..,). Of all the methods, the quickest means to achieve a concentrated mind is by chanting Omkar.

How to do Omkar chanting ?
1) Sit in padmasan or any other sitting posture that you are comfortable with. This can be done even while you are sitting in a chair or on travelling.
2) Close your eyes.
3) Do 2 to 3 cycles of ujjai breathing (this is to clear the nasal passage/throat and to get a mellifluous rythmic OM while chanting).
4) Chant 'OM' by saying a 'Au' and prolonged 'M'
5) Repeat the chanting for 2 to 3 mins or as long as your wish.
6) As you continue to chant, syllable 'Au' should be pronunced for shorter duration of time while prolonging the syllable 'M'
7) You will feel the vibration in your body as you continue doing this.
8) After you have chanted the last cycle of Om, close your lips and continue to feel the vibration in your body for a few minutes.
9) Imagine God/any object/any form that you like, at the centre of your heart and continue to feel the remanant vibration from your chanting.
10)Stay in this state for 2 to 3 mins and finish with two to three chantings of Omkar.

1) Don't shout, chant in a calm manner.
2) Don't chant too feebly that you barely could hear yourself. Chanting should be optimum in the sense that you must be able to hear what you chant.
3) Best time to practice Omkar is early mornings.
4) Omkar should not be practiced without practicing kabalbhati and ujjai.
5) All the pranayama techniques must follow Omkar (this to have a calm mind before doing pranayamas)

Recommended books on Yoga:

 B.K.S Iyengar Yoga the Path to Holistic HealthLight on the Yoga Sutras of PatanjaliMaking Patanjali Palatable
Autobiography of a Yogi : Includes Bonus CDHatha Yoga Pradipika: Explanation of Hatha YogaAsanas: 608 Yoga Poses

Hatha Yoga PradipikaYoga Anatomy

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Gomukhasana - Appearance of a Cow

Gomukhasana (Sanskrit :गोमुखासन; Go - Cow; Mukh-Visage; Asana - posture ; That posture which looks like a cows face) is one of many asanas done while sitting.

Procedure :
1) Place the right ankle touching the left under-thigh
2) Place the left leg over the right leg (See the video below)
3) Raise your left hand (Rule of thumb: Whichever leg is over the top of another leg, raise the corresponding hand)
4) Bring your right hand behind your back and interlock it with your left hand
5) Apply slight pressure on your back using your hands.
6) Sit in this posture as long as you can and breath normally.
7) Repeat the procedure by alternating the legs and alternating the interlocking of the hands.

1) Good relaxing posture that streches up hip ,thighs,chest,ankles,triceps and armpits
2) Clears of problem arising in lungs like asthma and improves lung capacity
3) Straightens the spine and mitigates back and shoulder problems
4) Improves free movement of wrists and shoulders

1) If it is difficult to interlock your hands you can use a small towel or hankie to bridge the gap.
2) Keep your eyes open while doing postures
3) You may find it easier to interlock your hands at the back but you may find it difficult when you interchange your hands. This is a good exercise to know the imbalance of flexibility in your body. Practicing this posture will eventually bring balanced flexibility in your body (especially the torso).
4) Good stretching posture while sitting before a computer for long hours.

Demonstration of Gomukhasan

Recommended books on Yoga:

 B.K.S Iyengar Yoga the Path to Holistic HealthLight on the Yoga Sutras of PatanjaliMaking Patanjali Palatable
Autobiography of a Yogi : Includes Bonus CDHatha Yoga Pradipika: Explanation of Hatha YogaAsanas: 608 Yoga Poses

Hatha Yoga PradipikaYoga Anatomy