Savasana (Sanskrit :सवासन; Sava - Corpse;Asana - posture ; That posture in which one lays like corpse/dead body) is a relaxation technique performed to relax both body and mind. It is usually performed after doing all postures (usually the last posture in your yoga session). It is a good relaxation technique whenever we feel stressed. This posture is not recommended for meditation as it has the propensity of inducing sleep.
2) Close your eyes. Relax. No puckers on forehead. Allow sometime for panting to subside.
3) Concentrate on your toes. Feel it getting relaxed.
4) Now shift your focus on ankles and knees and feel it getting relaxed.
5) Slowing focus on thighs, abdomen, stomach, chest, hands, shoulder, neck, face - in the given order one by one and feeling them getting relaxed.
6) Now each inch of your body is completely relaxed.
7) Concentrate on your third eye ( the space between two eye brows ) and try not to think about anything.
8) Be in this position for about 5-10 minutes.
9) Now slowly focus on face, neck, shoulder, hands, chest, stomach, abdomen, thighs, knees, ankles and toes (top to bottom order)one by one. Visualize new energy (you can visualize the energy as a light) entering each part of the body being focused.
10)Sit and rub your palms gently and place it over eyes,face and back of the neck.
11)Now open your eyes.
[1] Image courtesy : Wikipedia
1) Lay down flat on a mat, with palms open and facing upwards.2) Close your eyes. Relax. No puckers on forehead. Allow sometime for panting to subside.
3) Concentrate on your toes. Feel it getting relaxed.
4) Now shift your focus on ankles and knees and feel it getting relaxed.
5) Slowing focus on thighs, abdomen, stomach, chest, hands, shoulder, neck, face - in the given order one by one and feeling them getting relaxed.
6) Now each inch of your body is completely relaxed.
7) Concentrate on your third eye ( the space between two eye brows ) and try not to think about anything.
8) Be in this position for about 5-10 minutes.
9) Now slowly focus on face, neck, shoulder, hands, chest, stomach, abdomen, thighs, knees, ankles and toes (top to bottom order)one by one. Visualize new energy (you can visualize the energy as a light) entering each part of the body being focused.
10)Sit and rub your palms gently and place it over eyes,face and back of the neck.
11)Now open your eyes.
- Best relaxation posture
- Suitable for all.
- Recommended as a standalone posture for people with high blood pressure.
[1] Image courtesy : Wikipedia
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